Report A Fault.

Please complete the form below in as much details as possible for us to instruct the correct contractor. You understand that providing false information may lead to you being liable for call out charges and repair costs

Before completing the form below please ensure and note:

- You check the fuse board to make sure all switches are on.

- If on Prepayment utility meters, ensure there is enough credit on the meters.

- Light bulbs are the responsibility of tenants.

By providing us with the information below you consent to us obtaining, holding and using personal data about you in connection with property repairs for so long as may be reasonably required for our legitimate purpose or those of Head Office. We will use that information for communicating with you. We may also provide that information to third parties with a legitimate reason to receive it in connection with your dealings with us (e.g. landlords (where applicable), utility and service providers, Head Office or transferee of our business) or to such third parties as required by you or the law, whether within or outside the European Economic area.

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© Biscayne Residential Properties 2017